127 research outputs found

    Statistics E-learning Platforms Evaluation: Case Study

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    With the increase of e-learning by universities and educational institutes in the world through more electronic platforms, come the questions to researchers, educators and designers of electronic platforms about feasibility and using this method of learning. Are we achieving the desired goals and improving the quality of education? Are we improving their performance and ability to self-study without the need for a teacher? Is e-learning an effective and successful method from the students views? In this paper, we consider evaluate e-learning systems in statistics. We make an evaluation study, we analyze a students sample of the methods: Factor analysis, Logit model. The common aim of this evaluation is to provide data to justify the results or evidence to support that the e-learning platforms are helping the students to learn more effectively. The questionnaire covers information about e-learning evaluation criterias. Some of these criterias are: Navigability, applicability, instructional structure and interactivity.E-learning, Evaluation, Statistical software

    On the Difficulty to Design Arabic E-learning System in Statistics

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    In this paper, we present a case study, which describe the development of the Statistic e-learning-course in Arabic language –``Arabic MM*STAT´´. The basic frame forthis E-book, the system MM*STAT was developed at the School for Business and Economics of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Arabic MM*STAT uses a HTML - based filing card structure. We discuss the difficulties of the implementation of such a system in to the standard WWW formats and present the solutions needed for Arab educational institutions and the Arabic user. Those solutions are consistent with the Arabic language, and include the modern trend in the e-learning environment.electronic books, Arabtex, MM*STAT, Statistical software

    Statistics E-learning Platforms Evaluation

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    With the increase of e-learning by universities and educational institutes in the world through more electronic platforms, come the questions to researchers, educators and designers of electronic platforms about feasibility and using this method of learning. Are we achieving the desired goals and improving the quality of education? Are we improving their performance and ability to self-study without the need for a teacher? Is e-learning an effective and successful method from the students views? In this paper, we consider evaluate e-learning systems in statistics. We make an evaluation study, we analyze a students sample of the methods: Factor analysis, Logit model. The common aim of this evaluation is to provide data to justify the results or evidence to support that the e-learning platforms are helping the students to learn more effectively. The questionnaire covers information about e-learning evaluation criterias. Some of these criterias are: Navigability, applicability, instructional structure and interactivity

    Using R, LaTeX and Wiki for an Arabic e-learning platform

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    E-learning plays an important role in education as it supports online education via computer networks and provides educational services by utilising information technologies. We present a case study describing the development of an Arabic language elearning course in statistics. Discussed are issues concerning e-learning in Arab countries with special focus on problems of the application of e-learning in the Arab world and the difficulties concerning the design Arabic platforms such as language problems, cultural and technical problems, especially ArabTeX works difficulty with LaTeX format. Thus Wiki is offered as a solution to such problems. Wiki supports LaTeX and other statistical programs, for instance R, andWiki offers the solution to language problems. Details of this technology are discussed and a solution as to how this system can serve in building an Arab platform is presented.E-learning, MM*Stat, Wiki, ArabTeX, Statistical software

    The Impact of the Companions' Approach on Ensuring the Quality of Thought among Muslims: Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah as a Model

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    The study aims to explain the Companions' approach to achieving intellectual security and the quality of sound thought. Also, it clarifies the error of extremists and their violation of the Companions' approach. The study followed the inductive, deductive, and descriptive approaches to achieve the study objective. The study concluded that the Companions' approach is a true benchmark by which the moderation or deviation of thought is measured. Also, the greatest immunization of thought deviation is to adhere to the Book and the Sunnah according to the Companions' understanding. This study is distinguished from previous studies in that it collected the impact of the Companions from Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah in achieving intellectual security. It set standards for the quality of thought among the Companions to serve as a beacon for scholars and preachers in protecting Muslim societies from thought deviations and refuting misleading suspicions to preserve the integrity of future generations and their ideas

    An efficient framework for the manipulation of OLAP hierarchies.

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    Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a database paradigm that supports the rich analysis of multi-dimensional data. OLAP is often supported by a logical structure known as the Cube, a data model that provides an intuitive array-based perspective of the underlying data. However, supporting efficient OLAP query resolution in enterprise scale environments is an issue of considerable complexity. In practice, the difficulty of the problem is exacerbated by the existence of dimension hierarchies that sub-divide core dimensions into aggregation layers of varying granularity. Common hierarchy-sensitive query operations such as Rollup and Drilldown can be very costly. Moreover, facilities for the representation of more complex hierarchical relationships are not well supported by conventional techniques. This thesis presents a robust hierarchy and caching framework that supports the efficient and transparent manipulation of attribute hierarchies within relational environments. Experimental results show that compared to the current methods, very little additional overhead is introduced by the proposed framework, even when advanced functionality is exploite

    Query Optimization and Execution for Multi-Dimensional OLAP

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    Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a database paradigm that supports the rich analysis of multi-dimensional data. While current OLAP tools are primarily constructed as extensions to conventional relational databases, the unique modeling and processing requirements of OLAP systems often make for a relatively awkward fit with RDBM systems in general, and their embedded string-based query languages in particular. In this thesis, we discuss the design, implementation, and evaluation of a robust multi-dimensional OLAP server. In fact, we focus on several distinct but related themes. To begin, we investigate the integration of an open source embedded storage engine with our own OLAP-specific indexing and access methods. We then present a comprehensive OLAP query algebra that ultimately allows developers to create expressive OLAP queries in native client languages such as Java. By utilizing a formal algebraic model, we are able to support an intuitive Object Oriented query API, as well as a powerful query optimization and execution engine. The thesis describes both the optimization methodology and the related algorithms for the efficient execution of the associated query plans. The end result of our research is a comprehensive OLAP DBMS prototype that clearly demonstrates new opportunities for improving the accessibility, functionality, and performance of current OLAP database management systems

    Incorporating Corpus Linguistics Tools in the Training and Professional Development of Lecturers in Translation Studies

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    This research explores the impacts and strategies for integrating corpus linguistics tools in training translation lecturers. The focus of the study is to evaluate how the integration of corpus tools in the training of translation lecturers can enhance their efficiency and professional development. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires from 114 lecturers in translation studies and Ph.D. researchers in translation. Analysis was carried out using relevant statistical tools. The research findings indicate that the use of concordance tools, such as AntConc, has a notable positive impact on the effectiveness of translation instructors in demonstrating language patterns to their students. The substantial levels of agreement highlight the potential of these tools in facilitating the integration of theory and practice in the field of translation education. Furthermore, the participants recognized the effectiveness of specialized corpus-based translation tools such as TransTool in providing domain-specific linguistic information for accurate translation decision-making. The use of corpus-based tasks and exercises has developed as a strategic approach that strongly resonates with translation instructors, facilitating a comprehensive comprehension of the integration of corpus linguistics and its significance for educational methodologies. The aforementioned result underscores the need to include experiential learning and practical involvement to improve the effectiveness of translation teaching. However, there was a varied opinion of the influence of web-based corpora, suggesting the need for a more nuanced comprehension of their advantages and difficulties within the framework of translation education. Following the findings, it is thus concluded that the integration of corpus linguistics mechanisms in the training of translation lecturers remains effective as they enhance the use of real-world data in their translation studies and the use of data generated from a wide spectrum of languages in teaching translation

    دراسة العلاقة بين أعداد طلاب التعليم العالي والإنفاق الحكومي عليه في سورية

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    هدف البحث إلى دراسة العلاقة بين أعداد طلاب التعليم العالي والإنفاق الحكومي على التعليم العالي في سورية من خلال تطبيق نماذج ARDL , وهل توجد علاقة توازنية طويلة الأجل بين هذه المؤشرات؟. وكانت أهم نتائج الدراسة: هناك علاقة قصيرة الأجل وطويلة الأجل بين أعداد طلاب الجامعات الحكومية والمعاهد التقنية من جهة, والإنفاق الحكومي على التعليم العالي من جهة أخرى, بينما لا توجد علاقة قصيرة وطويلة الأجل بين أعداد طلاب الدراسات العليا والمعاهد العليا من جهة, والإنفاق الحكومي على التعليم العالي من جهة أخرى. استناداً لنموذج تصحيح الخطأ تفسر مؤشرات أعداد طلاب التعليم العالي 0.036 % من تغيرات الإنفاق الحكومي على التعليم العالي على المدى البعيد.        

    دراسة العلاقة بين مخرجات التعليم العالي والمتعطلين حسب الحالة التعليمية في سورية باستخدام الارتباط القانوني

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة لتحليل العلاقة بين مخرجات التعليم العالي والمتعطلين حسب الحالة التعليمية في سورية خلال الفترة 2000-2018, وبناء نماذج رياضية تمثل هذه العلاقة باستخدام طريقة الارتباط القانوني.   وكانت أهم النتائج:  وجود علاقة ذو دلالة إحصائية بين خريجي التعليم العالي والمتعطلين حسب الحالة التعليمية, ويمكن تمثيل هذه العلاقة بزوجين من المتغيرات القانونية. حيث متغير خريجي الجامعات الحكومية هو الأكثر ارتباطاً مع المتغير القانوني الأول, وخريجي المعاهد التقنية هو الأكثر ارتباطاً مع المتغير القانوني الثاني. المتغير القانوني الأول يرتبط بشدة مع المتعطلين الحاملين للشهادة الثانوية, والمتغير القانوني الثاني يرتبط بشدة مع المتعطلين الحاملين للشهادة الإعدادية